Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mock Executions? Time for a 2nd post.

As noted in the NYT yesterday, there are some key revelations about to come out of the pipeline due to a federal judge's enforcement of a FOIA filing by the ACLU. In point of fact, it has been mentioned previously, and now may be revealed in actuality, that the CIA used "mock execution" in addition to threat of firearm and power drill injury to coerce at least one detainee to confess to terrorist plots. The tapes were destroyed. Some days are behind us, but so long as they are not unearthed, examined, and condemned, such days will be among us and beyond.

Interestingly, there is a decent torture summary on the HowStuffWorks website. Ironic, perhaps, since this is really not how 'stuff' should work. Call your rep.; call your senator. Time not to let this one slip through, folks. Selective ethics will only set worldwide precedents which will come back to haunt us.

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Monday, January 30, 2006

Toward a Critical Discourse

Greetings and Peace Be Upon You,

Welcome to the veritable epicenter of critical introspection into the heart of the current American Muslim landscape. We are honored by your readership and hope you come back often with comments and criticism.

It is argued by some that the rise of a uniquely American Islam may be of crucial influence to not just America (itself) or the global ummah, but the world. To paraphrase the way one scholar put it, we are perhaps one of the most important Muslim minorities to exist since the original Muslim minority that changed the course of humanity.

Indeed, few would disagree that we are at a crossroads that requires much self-evaluation. But what do these assertions entail and really mean? And can there be such thing as an American Islam? These are the deeper questions which drive the content of this weblog.

By venturing into the unexplored, we hope to bring to light the discussions that previously failed to break surface - discussions which are often left unrecognized, seeping into the very core of our communities, and ultimately shaping the future ofAmerican-Muslims.

This is an attempt to offer discourse on the various realities that result from the very presence of Islam in America. It is an exploration of the dynamism between two mutually co-existing, and at times, separately bounded entities.

Our hope is that, by the guidance of Allah, we can take part in the stream of discussion that is already flowing on this topic and perhaps contribute something of benefit. We aim to do this by producing commentary on a wide range of topics we believe are too often left un-discussed.

As with all things, we qualify our writing with the obvious fact that Allah knows best and, God willing, that our views are expressed with mindfulness of Him, above all.

Sincerely and ma'as-salama,
Ramla Bile & Taqee Khaled

Photo Credit:
"Apollo Sunrise"
Apollo 12 Crew, NASA
November 1969